Review: The Nun

Selasa, September 11, 2018

A day after I watched Mile 22 with my new-Asian Games 2018-volunteer friend, I watched The Nun together with a group of other volunteers which worked together with me and him as transportation division and used to gather at Parkir Timur to julid together. That’s why I love this team and I call it as Tayo Julid Team. Tayo is the nickname of the bus we used during the games and Julid is us. Haha.

Through drama we had because of the buy one get one free promotion, we ordered the tickets separately. I was with my Mile 22 guy. At the row A. Yeay! My favourite row ever! I always choose this row whenever I watch the movie especially when I watch it alone. While… the other friends were in row C.

Actually, I really hate horror movie. Why? Because I’m fainthearted and it’s not funny to spend my own money to scare myself out. Seriously! But I watched this movie, just because I wanted to hang out with my friends and didn’t want to let the euphoria end early, I didn’t want to miss any moment with them. Cliché! I know but I’m that kind of person who led by her feeling. /sigh/

In the end, I entered the studio with my Mile 22 guy although I hate horror movie, although I know Valak is fcking scary, although I know I will be afraid to back home alone.

Meanwhile, I watched it, I can’t say many things about it because I’m not really into horror movie at all! Second, I missed several minutes of the beginning of the movie. When I miss something at the start, I have no idea about the rest and don’t wanna speculate about it, about what I miss. 

Before I watched this movie, I’d already asked my friend’s opinion about it. She said if you have an interest in the Vatican’s history it will please you. But for me, I don’t get the thread of the history. It’s not as interesting as my friend said. As the IR students, history is not a strange thing, we usually meet it everywhere. Even our root knowledge is built by the history beside international politics. So, it should be interesting even exciting to watch the visualisation of the Vatican history. But I didn’t happen.

I was just tense during the movie because, yea, again, I’m fainthearted and I just took the deep inhale and exhale all along the movie. Then my Mile 22 guy just looked at me and questioned it and smiled. That was all!

The sound effect is no joke. I’m not into horror movie but I can say this movie is not really frightening. It is just because the sound effect can make you jump scare. What I felt during the movie was playing was… every beat of the sound effect is absorbed into my body through every pore of mine. I know it’s hyperbole but it was what I experienced.

Otherwise, at the end of the movie, when the lights are turned on and the studio turned bright. My friends who sat at row C laughed! I was curious about it. Why? You know what? They did julid to the Valak! Oh gosh! How could they?!

They laughed because of the diving scenes. How could the Valak dive? And the outfits were still dry? And the make-up didn’t fade? And it could stand up with those very long and big outfits? They are out of our logic! And ouch! One thing left, before we laughed at this, one of my friend commented a scene where the nun and the priest was going down to the underground room. She said, "The tunnel is so long even you use Waze, you won't find the way!" and other friends laughed so hard because of this! HAHAHA.

But for me, personally, there was only a scene I questioned about. How could the gun kill the evil-ghost after the long incantation? What it was for? If it could be like that, why didn’t just kill every single evil by the gun? The incantation isn’t needed at all!

In the end, beside the debilities this movie has, there is something I can learn from it. Nevertheless you are scared to death, nevertheless, you are alone to survive, let the God handles it. Pray to Him with all of your heart, your soul even your life. Focus on your prayer no matter what is happening all around you. Don’t let anything let you down. He is the Almighty and He will give His best to you as the answer to your prayer. Just trust Him. 

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